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What Problems Can Ants Cause in My Brooklyn Home?

It's not pleasant to wake up to the sight of a line of ants marching through your kitchen to forage on crumbs. A lot of people think that ants are gross and some outright fear them. But are ants actually dangerous? Well, they can be. Ants can cause quite a few problems if they begin infesting your house or apartment in Brooklyn.

The most common issue caused by ants in homes is the spread of harmful bacteria. Because ants often raid our kitchens, they can transmit a variety of foodborne illnesses. Salmonella, E. coli, strep, staph, and shigella are all bacteria spread by ants that can make you sick. While the diseases caused by these bacteria are not usually life-threatening, they can still cause debilitating discomfort and pain. In severe cases, these diseases may lead to hospitalization. If you discover even a single ant crawling over a food item that was left out, it's probably safest to just throw it out rather than risk contracting diseases.

When ants invade homes in Brooklyn, they can also cause a lot of damage. While an individual ant may not be able to cause much harm, ants often live in colonies of many thousands, and these colonies can be quite destructive. Carpenter ants, in particular, are notorious for building tunnels through wood, which can lead to them completely hollowing out the wooden components of your home. Ants can also damage drywall, electrical wiring, and insulation. In some cases, ants have even caused fires by damaging electric infrastructure.

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