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Is Pest Control Safe?

As bad as it is to have a pest infestation in your home, some Brooklyn homeowners worry that the methods used to remove pests could be even more of a hazard. There are always risks associated with pest control but, when performed by licensed and insured professionals, those risks are minimized. If you choose to attempt do-it-yourself pest control rather than hiring the experts, beware that misusing traps or pesticides could result in injury or exacerbate your pest issues rather than getting rid of them.

Because pesticides incorporate harsh chemicals, spraying them around recklessly can be harmful. While pesticides are specifically engineered to kill various species of insects, people, pets, and non-harmful local wildlife can also get sick if they come into contact with these chemicals. This is why it's crucial to always follow the manufacturer's instructions for pesticide applications when attempting DIY pest control. Many pesticides cannot be used indoors, especially in close proximity to food. If you're concerned about mishaps with pesticide, it's best just to call a pest control company in Brooklyn.

Another danger of DIY pest control is suffering injury and disease transmission from pests. Stinging insects like bees and wasps are prone to deliver venomous stings if they feel threatened, which cause pain and may provoke life-threatening health complications in those with allergies. Rodent removal presents the danger of coming into contact with diseases like salmonellosis and leptospirosis that mice and rats often spread through their waste. Again, if you're worried about your safety, it's always best just to hire a professional pest control company in Brooklyn.

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