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How to Get Rid of Ants in Apartments in Brooklyn

Ants are some of the most numerous pests in the world and a common sight in New York City. When ants come marching into your apartment in Brooklyn, they can bring in harmful bacteria with them and contaminate your food. Some ants, such as carpenter ants, may also cause damage to your apartment by tunneling through wooden structures. If you want to get rid of ants in your apartment, follow these tips:

  • Remove any possible ant attractants in your apartment. Usually, ant infestations begin when ant colonies begin relying on apartments in Brooklyn for food. To discourage ant invasions, keep all of your food in airtight containers or bags. Never leave dirty dishes on the counter or in the sink overnight, as the crumbs on plates are enough to lure ants inside.
  • Place ant traps throughout your apartment in Brooklyn. There are two main kinds of ant traps available at most stores: glue traps and bait traps. Glue traps capture and kill ants that enter them, while bait traps distribute a poisoned bait through the ant colony, systematically exterminating all of the ants. Consider using both types of traps for the best results.
  • Work with a professional pest control company in Brooklyn to remove the ants from your apartment. Trained ant exterminators can more effectively eliminate ants from your apartment using strategic treatment applications and trap placements. Ant control technicians may also be able to locate and exterminate the nest of the invading ant colony to bring a thorough end to the infestation.

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