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Are There Any Eco-Friendly Pest Control Options Available?

Are you concerned about potentially harmful pesticides being applied in or near your home? You're not alone. Many homeowners in Brooklyn are wary of allowing the use of chemicals to treat pest issues. Fortunately, as time has gone on, more and more eco-friendly pest control products and strategies have been developed as an alternative to pesticides.

A more eco-friendly strategy that has been adopted by many pest control companies in Brooklyn - including OnGuard Pest Services - is known as "integrated pest management" or "IPM." Integrated pest management is a holistic approach to pest control that minimizes the use of chemical pesticides. IPM techniques include habitat modification, biological control (using natural predators or parasites), traps and barriers, and the judicious use of pesticides only when necessary and in a carefully targeted manner. When you work with IPM pest control technicians, you'll never have to worry about the excessive or careless use of pesticides that could cause harm to your family, pets or the local ecosystem.

If you'd like to attempt do-it-yourself pest control, there are still non-chemical options available. While sometimes less effective, relying on traps rather than pesticides will generally be safer and more environmentally responsible. There are also botanical pesticides, which are derived from natural plant extracts and are less harmful to the environment than synthetic chemical pesticides. Examples include products containing neem oil, pyrethrin, or essential oils from plants like peppermint or rosemary. You may also want to consider focusing on pest exclusion - using various barriers to prevent pest entry to your apartment or house to minimize pest issues.

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