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Are Pesticides Harmful to Humans and Pets?

One of the most common reasons that homeowners are reluctant to seek pest control services in Brooklyn is that they're worried the methods used to get rid of pests may be more dangerous than the pests themselves. This begs the question, "Is pest control safe?" The answer is "yes" - as long as it's done right.

Although modern pesticides are formulated to minimize both environmental impact and health risks to humans, excessive or improper usage of these chemical products may still be harmful. That's why the key to safe pest control is hiring trained professionals who know how to properly apply the pesticides that they're working with. A licensed and insured pest control company in Brooklyn, such as OnGuard Pest Services, will know the most effective techniques for safely applying pesticides in tandem with other pest control methods. When pesticides are used around your home by trained technicians, there should be no risk to your safety.

If you really want to make sure the pest control methods used in your home are safe, we recommend working with a pest control company in Brooklyn that performs "integrated pest management" (IPM for short). IPM techniques seek to only use pesticides when absolutely necessary, favoring other means of exterminating pests and keeping them out of homes. Integrated pest management may involve biological control methods, installation of pest-proof barriers, habitat modification, and setting bait traps that are not harmful to other animals. When you choose to hire an IPM pest control company, you won't have to worry about your family or pets being exposed to harmful chemicals.

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