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What is the Best Alternative to Mouse Traps?

Throughout history, the go-to method of mouse control has been to set up mouse traps in rodent-infested homes. However, some people object to the use of mouse traps because they see them as inhumane. Others are concerned about using mouse traps due to fear that kids or pets may come across them and hurt themselves. Fortunately, there are some good alternatives to mouse traps available if you're looking for another way to solve your rodent problems.

Some of the best alternatives to mouse traps are:

  • Bait stations present a safer way to exterminate mice from your house or apartment in Brooklyn. Unlike traditional mouse traps, bait stations are completely covered so that only mice can enter them and ingest the poison within. This way, you won't have to worry about kids or pets getting sick or injured. Consider setting up bait stations around your property if you've been having mice problems.
  • Rodent-proof your home in Brooklyn more effectively so that mice won't be able to get inside at all. Mice often enter homes through small gaps in walls or near the foundation. Use caulk or other sealants to close off these holes so mice can't squeeze through. If any vent openings on the exterior of your home are exposed, install a mesh cover so that mice can't use them as entry points, either.
  • While not as effective as traditional pest control products, natural deterrents may be able to keep mice away from your property. Mice hate the smell of peppermint, garlic, and hot pepper, so try spraying these smells around possible mice entry points to deter them from coming inside.

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